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Grant Reports

Stacy Milanovich, Director of Choruses, Harrisburg High School

Thank you for the help and assistance with obtaining the mini grant through the Harrisburg Public Schools Foundation! With the funds we were able to purchase the choral folders through J.W. Pepper’s Music, and off set the cost of the accompanist.

We participated in singing at the Manna Café for the Hamilton Health Center, on December 6th, 2012. The event reached out to the community during the holiday season and provided an opportunity for the mothers to see potential musical opportunities for their children. A picture is attached to this report and we took 15 students to the event.


The Harrisburg High School Choir also toured with our Winter Concert repertoire. We visited Spring Creek Rehabilitation Center, Marshal Elementary School, Foose Elementary School and Ben Franklin Elementary School, on December 20th, 2012. A total of 28 students were able to participate in this event.


On December 11th, 2012 the Harrisburg High School Choir used the folders and Mr. Daniel Dorty’s piano services during our Winter Concert. The total number of students that participated in the concert was 28.


We look forward to using Mr. Dorty’s services in the future and plan on ordering additional choral folders for the increased number of students participating in the choir.


Thank you again for your contribution!

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